Images tagged with "amygdala"

Found 18 images.

ID Name Collection(s) Description
682612 Human Probabilistic Tractography Results Subiculum - BNST Structural Connectivity in Humans and Macaques
391766 Thresholded CeA ICN Extended‐amygdala intrinsic functional connectivity networks: A population study Thesholded at t => 9. Un-thresholded images are also in this collection.
391768 BST & CeA ICN Extended‐amygdala intrinsic functional connectivity networks: A population study Overlap of BST and CeA ICNs.
3128 tfMRI EMOTION FACES minus SHAPES zstat1 The WU-Minn Human Connectome Project: An overview FSL5.0
3129 tfMRI EMOTION FACES zstat1 The WU-Minn Human Connectome Project: An overview FSL5.0
3131 tfMRI EMOTION SHAPES zstat1 The WU-Minn Human Connectome Project: An overview FSL5.0
12007 Figure 3 - Whole Left Amygdala An investigation of the structural, connectional, and functional subspecialization in the human amygdala Connectivity-based parcellation (CBP) of the human amygdala. Union of all three clusters for the left hemisphere.
12008 Figure 3 - Whole Right Amygdala An investigation of the structural, connectional, and functional subspecialization in the human amygdala Connectivity-based parcellation (CBP) of the human amygdala. Union of all three clusters for the right hemisphere.
12009 Figure 3 - Right Amygdala (cluster #1) An investigation of the structural, connectional, and functional subspecialization in the human amygdala Connectivity-based parcellation (CBP) of the right human amygdala. Cluster #1 (red) - centromedial nuclei group
12010 Figure 3 - Left Amygdala (cluster #1) An investigation of the structural, connectional, and functional subspecialization in the human amygdala Connectivity-based parcellation (CBP) of the left human amygdala. Cluster #1 (red) - centromedial nuclei group
12011 Figure 3 - Left Amygdala (cluster #2) An investigation of the structural, connectional, and functional subspecialization in the human amygdala Connectivity-based parcellation (CBP) of the left human amygdala. Cluster #2 (green) - superficial nuclei group
12012 Figure 3 - Left Amygdala (cluster #3) An investigation of the structural, connectional, and functional subspecialization in the human amygdala Connectivity-based parcellation (CBP) of the left human amygdala. Cluster #3 (blue) - laterobasal nuclei group
12013 Figure 3 - Right Amygdala (cluster #2) An investigation of the structural, connectional, and functional subspecialization in the human amygdala Connectivity-based parcellation (CBP) of the right human amygdala. Cluster #2 (green) - superficial nuclei group
12014 Figure 3 - Right Amygdala (cluster #3) An investigation of the structural, connectional, and functional subspecialization in the human amygdala Connectivity-based parcellation (CBP) of the right human amygdala. Cluster #3 (blue) - laterobasal nuclei group
12020 Figure 1, third column ALE meta-analysis on facial judgments of trustworthiness and attractiveness All neuroimaging experiments labeled as attractiveness judgment
12021 Figure 1, first column ALE meta-analysis on facial judgments of trustworthiness and attractiveness All neuroimaging experiments labeled as trustworthiness or attractiveness judgment
12022 Figure 1, second column ALE meta-analysis on facial judgments of trustworthiness and attractiveness All neuroimaging experiments labeled as trustworthiness judgment
682610 Macaque Probabilistic Tractography Results Subiculum - BNST Structural Connectivity in Humans and Macaques