Description: This release contains the following files: 1) brain_parcellation_mcinet_basc_(sym,asym)_XXclusters.nii.gz: 3D volumes at 3 mm isotropic resolution, in the MNI non-linear 2009a space (, at multiple resolutions of clusters. Note that two versions of the templates are available, sym and asym. The asym flavor contains brain images that have been registered in the asymmetric version of the MNI brain template (reflecting that the brain is asymmetric), while with the sym flavor they have been registered in the symmetric version of the MNI template. 2) ttest_ctrlvsmci_seedXX.nii.gz: 3D volumes displaying functional connectivity differences (uncorrected t-tests) between patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and cognitively normal elderly, for 4 different seeds/regions of interest.
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