API Documentation

API Documentation



Returns a json file containing a list of dictionaries with information corresponding to each atlas stored in NeuroVault.

example: neurovault.org/api/atlases/


Returns a json file containing a dictionary with information corresponding to the particular atlas specified by the pk value.

example: neurovault.org/api/atlases/1557


Searches atlas for specified region and related synonyms. If no matches are found, it will search the NIF ontology recursively for children of the specified region that are found in the atlas. If no matches are found, it will search recursively for parents that are found in the atlas. Returns a json file containing a dictionary of a list of three lists, corresponding to the X, Y and Z coordinates, respectively, of the matching voxels. Coordinates are in mm in MNI space.

Parameters: region, collection, atlas

example: neurovault.org/api/atlases/atlas_query_region/?region=middle frontal gyrus&collection=Harvard-Oxford cortical and subcortical structural atlases&atlas=HarvardOxford cort maxprob thr25 1mm


Returns a json file containing the region name that matches the specified coordinates in the specified atlas. Coordinates are in mm in MNI space.

Parameters: x, y, z, collection, atlas

example: neurovault.org/api/atlases/atlas_query_voxel/?x=30&y=30&z=30&collection=Harvard-Oxford cortical and subcortical structural atlases&atlas=HarvardOxford cort maxprob thr25 1mm



Returns a json file containing a list of dictionaries with information corresponding to each collection stored in NeuroVault. Results can be filtered by specifying the name, DOI or owner of the collection.

Parameters: name, DOI, owner

example: neurovault.org/api/collections/?DOI=10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2012.11.002


Returns a json file containing a dictionary with information corresponding to the particular collection specified by the pk value.

example: neurovault.org/api/collections/287


Returns a json file containing a dictionary of all images from the collection specified by the pk value.

example: neurovault.org/api/collections/287/images



Returns a json file containing a list of dictionaries with information corresponding to each image stored in NeuroVault.

example: neurovault.org/api/images/


Returns a json file containing a dictionary with information corresponding to the particular atlas specified by the pk value.

example: neurovault.org/api/images/1557

NIDM Results


Returns a json file containing a list of dictionaries with information corresponding to each nidm_results stored in NeuroVault.

example: neurovault.org/api/nidm_results