Figure 5: Young-Old PPI-VMPFCwin: Rec > Def thresh

Contributed by david.v.smith on July 21, 2021

Collection: Age-Related Differences in Ventral Striatal and Default Mode Network Function During Reciprocated Trust

Description: Figure 5: Reduced vmPFC-Hippocampal Connectivity in Older Adults. (A) In an exploratory seed-based PPI analysis, we examined age-related differences in connectivity with vmPFC. We found that older adults exhibited reduced vmPFC connectivity with a hippocampal (HPC) cluster extending into the amygdala during reciprocate relative to defect outcomes. (B) Interrogation of this hippocampal cluster revealed that the pattern was stable across all partner types. We note that Z statistic images were thresholded parametrically (Gaussian Random Field Theory) using clusters determined by Z>3.1 and a (corrected) cluster significance threshold of P=0.05.

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