Brain responses to anticipatory cues and milkshake taste in obesity, and their relationship to bariatric surgery outcome

Description: Here we examined the neuronal responses during anticipatory cues and receipt of drops of milkshake in 52 pre-bariatric surgery men and women with severe obesity (OW, BMI=35-60 kg/m2) (23 sleeve gastrectomy (SG), 24 Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB), 3 laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding (LAGB), 2 did not undergo surgery) and 21 healthy-weight (HW) controls (BMI=19-27 kg/m2). One-year post-surgery weight loss ranged from 3.1-44.0 TWL%. Compared to HW, OW had a stronger response to milkshake cues (compared to water) in frontal and motor, somatosensory, occipital, and cerebellar regions. Responses to milkshake taste receipt (compared to water) differed from HW in frontal, motor, and supramarginal regions where OW showed more similar response to water. One year post-surgery, responses to high-fat milkshake cues normalized in frontal, motor, and somatosensory regions. This change in brain response was related to scores on a composite health index. We found no correlation between baseline response to milkshake cues or tastes and %TWL at 1-yr post-surgery. In RYGB participants only, a stronger response to low-fat milkshake and water cues (compared to high-fat) in supramarginal and cuneal regions respectively was associated with more weight loss. A stronger cerebellar response to high-fat vs low-fat milkshake receipt was also associated with more weight loss.

Communities: nutritional

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