Description: This collection contains the statistical maps of an adapted version of the Cyberball task. We induced simultaneous positive and negative emotional states in each participant and another person and realized three conditions, where ratings in congruent (con) and incongruent (inc) emotional state conditions are contrasted to reveal two crucial emotional biases, the emotional egocentricity bias (EEB) and the emotional altercentricity bias (EAB): 1) Self active: Participants were actively playing Cyberball and rated their own emotional state (EAB). 2) Other active: Participants were actively playing Cyberball and rated the other participants's emotional state (EEB). 3) Other passive: Participants were passively watching Cyberball and rated their own emotional state (control condition for EEB). We tested 21 individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and compared them to 21 matched neurotypical (NT) controls.
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