Training of loss aversion modulates neural sensitivity toward potential gains

Description: Aims: We investigated behavioral and neural mechanisms for modulating loss aversion. <br> Methods: <br> 1. Behavior task: We adapted the gambling task (Tom et al., 2007) by introducing contexts and feedback that encourage participants to take more or less loss averse choices.<br> 2. fMRI: We used general linear model to find brain activation that correlates with magnitude of potential gains or potential losses during the learning and post-learning probe. We also used psychophysiological interaction analysis (independent seeded at vmPFC) to identified the brain areas showing interaction with vmPFC over the course of training. <br> General findings and importance: <br> Training primarily modulated behavioral and neural sensitivity toward potential gains, and was reflected in connectivity between regions involved in cognitive control and those involved in value representation. These findings highlight the importance of experience in development of biases in decision-making. <br> Authors: Mei-Yen Chen, Corey N. White, Nathan Giles, Albert Elumn, Sagar Parikh, Ungi Kim, W. Todd Maddox, and Russell A. Poldrack

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