Group activation maps for an fMRI language localizer (listening to speech vs reversed speech)

Description: The authors of these maps are Yana Panikratova, Maria Egorova, Roza Vlasova, Ekaterina Pechenkova, Liudmila Makovskaya, Daria Bazhenova, Alena Rumshiskaya, Liudmila Litvinova, Elena Mershina, and Valentin Sinitsyn. This task-based fMRI study was conducted by the brain functional MRI group at the Radiology Department of the Federal Center of Medicine and Rehabilitation in Moscow (Egorova, 2020). Fifty-three healthy individuals (40 females and 13 males; mean age 29.54 ± 10.83), all native Russian-speakers, participated in the study. According to a modified version of the Annett Hand Preference Questionnaire (Vasserman et al., 1997), all participants were right-handed (6-18; mean 14.38 ± 3.69). The participants performed a task commonly applied for language brain mapping (Scott, Gallee, & Fedorenko, 2017): they listened to passages of educational text about Russian language (main condition) or to the same records played backwards (control condition). Note that the sparse image acquistion was used: TR = 6520 ms with a delay in TR = 4000 ms. References: 1. Egorova, M. V. (2020). Neuropsychological support for a neuroimaging study of language lateralization (based on a model of auditory verbal memory) [Neiropsikhologicheskoe soprovozhdenie neirovizualizatsionnogo issledovaniya lateralizatsii rechi (na modeli slukhorechevoi pamyati)]. Diploma (specialist) thesis, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia. 2. Scott, T. L., Gallee, J., & Fedorenko, E. (2017). A new fun and robust version of an fMRI localizer for the frontotemporal language system. Cogn Neurosci, 8(3), 167-176. 3. Vasserman, L. I., Dorofeeva, S. A., & Meerson, Y. A. (1997). Methods of Neuropsychological Assessment. Saint Petersburg: Stroilespechat'. This dataset was used in the article: 10.1016/j.schres.2023.10.026

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