Negative functional coupling between the right fronto-parietal and limbic resting state networks predicts increased self-control and later substance use onset in adolescence

Description: To see the influences of the functional network coupling between the right frontoparietal (RFPN; as top-down control network) and limbic network (LM; as bottom-up emotion network) in adolescents' substance-use-behaviours, we adopted ICA analysis for the resting state fMRI data. We first identified those two target networks from our whole database which includes both adult and adolescent samples, then using the group-level network masks, individual specific time-series were estimated (i.e., spatial regression). Finally, we calculated the functional connectivity between time-series from the networks for adolescent sample, and correlated the connectivity value with substance-use-information of adolescent. We found that the the lowered connectivity between the networks has relationship significantly with increased self-control and less use of substance-use.

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