Neural correlates of dietary self-control in healthy adults: A meta-analysis of functional brain imaging studies

Description: This is a meta-analysis performed using Anisotropic Effect-Size Signed Differential Mapping software to explore fMRI responses related to dietary self-control in healthy adults. First, we used all studies exploring dietary self-control to identify activity in brain regions that differentiated the "Regulate" and "Control" conditions. The results are displayed in the first image in this collection. Our second analysis focused on the dietary self-control studies that also mapped brain regions whose activity correlated with obesity-related measures such as body mass index. The meta-analytic results of the effects of body mass index on brain activity during dietary self-control are shown in the second image in this collection. Finally, we also compared the two types of dietary self-control tasks that are most widely used. We observed both common and distinct brain regions engaged by the two tasks, which are shown in images 3 and 4 in this collection.

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Add DateJan. 28, 2018, 12:53 a.m.
Uploaded byjhan24
Related article DOI10.1016/j.physbeh.2018.02.037
Related article authorsJung Eun Han, Nadia Boachie, Isabel Garcia Garcia, Andréanne Michaud and Alain Dagher
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