Functional MRI mapping of dynamic visual features during natural viewing in the macaque

Description: The included data consists of a set of r-square maps computed from a stepwise regress. The macaques viewed 15 five minute movies repeatedly while fMRI responses were recorded. Six visual features were coded from each movie, 3 high-level (Faces, Animals, Extremities) and 3 low-level (Luminance, Contrast, Motion), which were then submitted to a stepwise regression at each voxel in the volume. For each voxel a total variance explained was calculated along with the individual variance explained by each of the six feature regressors. In a separate set of sessions, the subjects participated in classic block paradigm contrasting macaque faces and phase scrambled versions of the faces. We calculated the T-maps of the contrast between the faces and scrambled images, with the goal of mapping the locations of the face processing system, commonly known as the face patches.

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