Functional Parcellation of the Default Mode Network: A Large-Scale Meta-Analysis

Description: The default mode network (DMN) consists of several regions that selectively interact to support distinct domains of cognition. Of the various sites that partake in DMN function, the posterior cingulate cortex (PCC), temporal parietal junction (TPJ), and medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC) are frequently identified as key contributors. Yet, despite the accumulating knowledge surrounding the DMN’s involvement in numerous cognitive measures, it remains unclear whether the aforementioned subcomponents of the DMN make unique contributions to specific cognitive processes and health conditions. Here, we address this gap with two different levels of analysis. First, using the Neurosynth database and a Gaussian Naïve Bayes classifier, we quantified the association between PCC, TPJ, and MPFC activation and specific topics related to cognition and health (e.g., decision making and smoking). This analysis replicated prior observations that the PCC, TPJ, and MPFC collectively support multiple cognitive functions such as social, decision making, memory, and awareness. Second, to gain insight into the functional organization of each site, we parceled each region based on its coactivation pattern with the rest of the brain. This analysis indicated that each region could be further subdivided into discrete subregions, with some exhibiting functionally distinct involvement. For example, the ventral part of left-TPJ was associated with emotion, whereas the posterior part was associated with priming. Taken together, our results help further delineate regional DMN activity by demonstrating how each subcomponent contributes to a wide range of cognitive processes and health conditions.

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Add DateJan. 7, 2020, 5:54 p.m.
Uploaded bylindseytepfer
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