Model 3--Independent Samples T-Test Regression Analysis

Contributed by doellk on Oct. 30, 2019

Collection: Atypical processing of social anticipation and feedback in borderline personality disorder

Description: Model 3 was created ad hoc in order to test H3 following the outcome of the first two models. We ran a seed-based analysis, using the amygdala feedback-related activity for the negative social (compared to non-social) component of Model 2 as the predictor and testing against potential relationship with cue-evoked signal at a voxel-wise level within Model 1. Specifically, the beta estimates for both groups from the bilateral amygdala ROI for the negative social feedback (i.e. social loss>non-social loss), were extracted from Model 2 and entered as a covariate into an independent samples t-test using the specific contrast social>non-social cues. We then tested for the effects of the amygdala covariate in each group separately and compared the differences between the groups. These maps show the differences between groups (i.e. BPD>HC) for this amygdala covariate.

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