Neurosynth k=50 parcellation

Contributed by LukeChang on July 6, 2020

Collection: Naturalistic Data Analysis Course Images

Description: Nifti image of a k=50 whole brain parcellation created by applying k-means clustering to meta-analytic coactivations using neurosynth database. Parcellations are from Yarkoni, de la Vega, & Chang (In Prep), using techniques described in Chang et al., 2013 and de la Vega et al., 2016. Here are labels for most parcels. 0=anterior MPFC 1=Fusiform/parahippocampus 2=DMPFC 3=Sensorimotor/Postcentral Gyrus 4=V1 5=TPJ posterior supra marginal/angular gyrus 6=PCC/precuneus 7=Thalamus 8=SMA 9=Precentral Gyrus 10=Cerebellum (VI 11=Temporal Occipital Fusiform 12=Amygdala 13=Superior Temporal Gyrus 14 = white matter 15=TPJ anterior supra marginal gyrus/Parietal operculum 16=mid insula 17=putamen 18=Dorsal Anterior Insula 19=PCC/Superior LOC 20=Lateral Occipital/Temporal Occibpital (V2) 22=dACC 23=anterior fronto-parietal (dlpfc, dacc) 24=Intercalcarine cortex 25=Anterior vlpfc 26=left motor 27=Left IFG 28 = hippocampus 29=Dorsal Caudate 30=? 32 = vmPFC 34 = Nacc 35=Primary Auditory 37=Ventral Anterior Insula 39=Superior LOC 42=Cerebellum (Crus) 44=DLPFC 45 =right IFG vlpfc 46=inferior LOC 47=right motor 48=somatosensory 49 =STS

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