Contributed by on Nov. 20, 2017
Description: The preprocessed fMRI single-subject data was modeled using a boxcar function denoting times of gamble presentation (task-on regressor) and three linearly scaled task-on regressors (gain and loss parallel to behavioral analysis plus Euclidean distance based on aggregated gamble matrix31). Note that this is model is completely in parallel with the behavioral model – only the dependent variable differs. In the behavioral model it is choice, in the neural model it is BOLD activity. The regressors were convolved with the canonical hemodynamic response function, downsampled to match the number of EPI scans and entered into a GLM. For further details on the single-subject model, please see Supplementary Methods. This is T-map for pathological gamblers T-test for more (or less) BOLD activity with rising loss in the mixed gamble (positive T-values denote more BOLD activity with rising loss, negative T-values vice versa).
Tags: decision making loss aversion gain anticipation mixed gambles pathological gambling gain sensitivity
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