Immediate reversals with instructions: Instructed Group (all participants)

Contributed by laurenatlas on Feb. 6, 2018

Collection: Instructed knowledge shapes feedback-driven aversive learning in striatum and orbitofrontal cortex, but not the amygdala

Description: This analysis identifies regions that show immediate reversals with instructions (CS [previous CS+ > previous CS-] x Phase [Pre - Post] interaction) in the Instructed Group, based on the window surrounding the delivery of instructions. Regions in warm colors showed greater activation to the current CS+ relative to the current CS-, while regions in cool colors show relatively greater activation to the CS- (or deactivation to the CS+). This analysis was included all Instructed Group participants (n=30), irrespective of whether they showed differential SCR prior to the first reversal.

Tags: fear reinforcement learning expected value reversal learning aversive learning instruction

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