Images tagged with "connectivity"

Found 29 images.

ID Name Collection(s) Description
18568 Figure3 Contextual Control The hierarchical organization of the lateral prefrontal cortex SPM{T}-filtered: u = 3.135, k = 124
19100 dmPFC_selfUp Knowing me, knowing you: Resting-state functional connectivity of ventromedial prefrontal cortex dissociates memory related to self from a familiar other Pattern of FC in dmPFC predictive of better memory for self related items.
19101 HF+_selfup Knowing me, knowing you: Resting-state functional connectivity of ventromedial prefrontal cortex dissociates memory related to self from a familiar other Pattern of FC in hippocampal formation predictive of better memory for self related items.
370096 Cobre_fMRI_ML Psychosis_ML_maps_fMRI ML feature weight map from the Cobre dataset.
370097 Maastricht_fMRI_ML Psychosis_ML_maps_fMRI ML feature weight map from the Maastricht dataset.
370098 Dublin_fMRI_ML Psychosis_ML_maps_fMRI ML feature weight map from the Dublin dataset.
953 SSRI vs Placebo ttest Serotonergic Modulation of Intrinsic Functional Connectivity Change in Degree Centrality Induced by a Single Dose of Escitalopram Contrasted with Placebo
43850 Psychophysiological interaction (PPI) of hippocampus and memory encoding success during reward learning Episodic Memory Encoding Interferes with Reward Learning and Decreases Striatal Prediction Errors PPI connectivity analysis: memory success-related modulation of connectivity between the left hippocampus and whole-brain activity.
12007 Figure 3 - Whole Left Amygdala An investigation of the structural, connectional, and functional subspecialization in the human amygdala Connectivity-based parcellation (CBP) of the human amygdala. Union of all three clusters for the left hemisphere.
12008 Figure 3 - Whole Right Amygdala An investigation of the structural, connectional, and functional subspecialization in the human amygdala Connectivity-based parcellation (CBP) of the human amygdala. Union of all three clusters for the right hemisphere.
12009 Figure 3 - Right Amygdala (cluster #1) An investigation of the structural, connectional, and functional subspecialization in the human amygdala Connectivity-based parcellation (CBP) of the right human amygdala. Cluster #1 (red) - centromedial nuclei group
12010 Figure 3 - Left Amygdala (cluster #1) An investigation of the structural, connectional, and functional subspecialization in the human amygdala Connectivity-based parcellation (CBP) of the left human amygdala. Cluster #1 (red) - centromedial nuclei group
12011 Figure 3 - Left Amygdala (cluster #2) An investigation of the structural, connectional, and functional subspecialization in the human amygdala Connectivity-based parcellation (CBP) of the left human amygdala. Cluster #2 (green) - superficial nuclei group
12012 Figure 3 - Left Amygdala (cluster #3) An investigation of the structural, connectional, and functional subspecialization in the human amygdala Connectivity-based parcellation (CBP) of the left human amygdala. Cluster #3 (blue) - laterobasal nuclei group
12013 Figure 3 - Right Amygdala (cluster #2) An investigation of the structural, connectional, and functional subspecialization in the human amygdala Connectivity-based parcellation (CBP) of the right human amygdala. Cluster #2 (green) - superficial nuclei group
12014 Figure 3 - Right Amygdala (cluster #3) An investigation of the structural, connectional, and functional subspecialization in the human amygdala Connectivity-based parcellation (CBP) of the right human amygdala. Cluster #3 (blue) - laterobasal nuclei group
12026 Figure 3 - Anterior > posterior connectivity Is There "One" DLPFC in Cognitive Action Control? Evidence for Heterogeneity From Co-Activation-Based Parcellation Regions showing significantly stronger task-dependent and task-independent connectivity of the anterior versus posterior cluster
12027 Figure 4 - Posterior > anterior connectivity Is There "One" DLPFC in Cognitive Action Control? Evidence for Heterogeneity From Co-Activation-Based Parcellation Regions showing significantly stronger task-dependent and task-independent connectivity of the posterior versus anterior cluster
12028 Figure 2 - Anterior cluster Is There "One" DLPFC in Cognitive Action Control? Evidence for Heterogeneity From Co-Activation-Based Parcellation Connectivity-based parcellation (CBP) results -- Cluster #2 (anterior)
12029 Figure 1 - Posterior cluster Is There "One" DLPFC in Cognitive Action Control? Evidence for Heterogeneity From Co-Activation-Based Parcellation Connectivity-based parcellation (CBP) results -- Cluster #1 (posterior)
18902 L1 Neurofunctional topography of the human hippocampus Left hippocampus segment (L1)
18903 L2 Neurofunctional topography of the human hippocampus Left hippocampus segment (L2)
18904 L3 Neurofunctional topography of the human hippocampus Left hippocampus segment (L3)
18905 R1 Neurofunctional topography of the human hippocampus Right hippocampus segment (R1)
18906 R2 Neurofunctional topography of the human hippocampus Right hippocampus segment (R2)
18907 R3 Neurofunctional topography of the human hippocampus Right hippocampus segment (R3)
18908 R4 Neurofunctional topography of the human hippocampus Right hippocampus segment (R4)
18909 R5 Neurofunctional topography of the human hippocampus Right hippocampus segment (R5)
370099 Mean_fMRI_ML Psychosis_ML_maps_fMRI Mean ML fMRI cortical feature weight map (averaged across Maastricht, Dublin and Cobre datasets).