Images tagged with "dbs"

Found 4 images.

ID Name Collection(s) Description
705877 Sweet-spot and cold-spot locations (diary seizure outcome) The Optimal Target and Connectivity for Probabilistic map showing thalamic locations where centromedian deep brain stimulation (CM-DBS) yielded above-mean ("sweet-spot") and below-mean ("cold-spot") seizure reduction, as measured using monthly seizure diaries (n=19 patients with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome who participated in the "ESTEL" trial of CM-DBS). Results are provided as -log10(p-values), following a two-tailed Wilcoxon signed-rank test at each voxel with the null hypothesis equal to the mean seizure reduction across the cohort. Positive values indicate areas of above-mean seizure reduction and negative values indicate areas of below-mean seizure reduction. Values >1.301 and <-1.301 correspond to p-values <0.05. Note that results are provided for the left hemisphere only because all right-sided stimulation locations were first non-linearly flipped to the left hemisphere for this analysis. Results are saved using a voxel resolution of 0.22 mm x 0.2 mm x 0.2 mm and are provided in ICBM Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) 2009b asymmetric template space ( This analysis was performed using lead-DBS software version version 2.5.2 (
705878 Sweet-spot and cold-spot locations (EEG seizure outcome) The Optimal Target and Connectivity for Probabilistic map showing thalamic locations where centromedian deep brain stimulation (CM-DBS) yielded above-mean ("sweet-spot") and below-mean ("cold-spot") seizure reduction, as measured using 24-hourly ambulatory EEG (n=17 patients with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome who participated in the "ESTEL" trial of CM-DBS). Results are provided as -log10(p-values), following a two-tailed Wilcoxon signed-rank test at each voxel with the null hypothesis equal to the mean seizure reduction across the cohort. Positive values indicate areas of above-mean seizure reduction and negative values indicate areas of below-mean seizure reduction. Values >1.301 and <-1.301 correspond to p-values <0.05. Note that results are provided for the left hemisphere only because all right-sided stimulation locations were first non-linearly flipped to the left hemisphere for this analysis. Results are saved using a voxel resolution of 0.22 mm x 0.2 mm x 0.2 mm and are provided in ICBM Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) 2009b asymmetric template space ( This analysis was performed using lead-DBS software version version 2.5.2 (
705879 Sweet-spot and cold-spot locations (diary-EEG average seizure outcome) The Optimal Target and Connectivity for Probabilistic map showing thalamic locations where centromedian deep brain stimulation (CM-DBS) yielded above-mean ("sweet-spot") and below-mean ("cold-spot") seizure reduction, as measured using a diary-EEG average outcome (n=17 patients with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome who participated in the "ESTEL" trial of CM-DBS). Results are provided as -log10(p-values), following a two-tailed Wilcoxon signed-rank test at each voxel with the null hypothesis equal to the mean seizure reduction across the cohort. Positive values indicate areas of above-mean seizure reduction and negative values indicate areas of below-mean seizure reduction. Values >1.301 and <-1.301 correspond to p-values <0.05. Note that results are provided for the left hemisphere only because all right-sided stimulation locations were first non-linearly flipped to the left hemisphere for this analysis. Results are saved using a voxel resolution of 0.22 mm x 0.2 mm x 0.2 mm and are provided in ICBM Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) 2009b asymmetric template space ( This analysis was performed using lead-DBS software version version 2.5.2 (
705880 Custom 429-region brain parcellation used for structural connectivity analysis The Optimal Target and Connectivity for Structural connectivity analyses were performed using a custom, 429-region brain parcellation which combined four brain atlases, together covering cortical and subcortical grey matter outside the thalamus. These atlases were: 1. Parcel labels 1:358 = the HCPMMP1/Glasser atlas of the cortex (edited to remove "lh.???" and "rh.???" parcels). This is a volumetric version of the original surface-based atlas. For further details, refer to: 2. Parcel labels 357:396 = the 3T Scale IV Melbourne Subcortex Atlas (edited to remove parcels within the thalamus). This volumetric atlas can be downloaded from here: 3. Parcel labels 397:420 = segmentation of cerebellar lobules performed using CERES/Volbrain software. This volumetric segmentation can be performed here: 4. Parcel labels 421:429 = the Harvard Ascending Arousal Atlas of brainstem nuclei. This volumetric atlas can be downloaded from here: Note that all connectivity analyses were performed in each subject's native diffusion MRI space, following nonlinear warping of atlas labels from template space to subject native brain space. The parcellation uploaded here is provided in Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) ICBM 152 Nonlinear 6th-generation asymmetric template space ( and saved at a voxel resolution of 1mm x 1mm x 1mm.