Images tagged with "fmri"

Found 86 images.

ID Name Collection(s) Description
43959 Main effect of vicarious pain Dissociable Roles of Cerebral μ-Opioid and Type 2 Dopamine Receptors in Vicarious Pain: A Combined PET–fMRI Study
43979 Thresholded map showing the regions activated during vicarious pain Dissociable Roles of Cerebral μ-Opioid and Type 2 Dopamine Receptors in Vicarious Pain: A Combined PET–fMRI Study T-values, FWE-corrected (p<0.05) for multiple comparisons
65259 Main effect of Costly Giving decisions (Costly Giving > baseline) The neural development of prosocial behavior from childhood to adolescence In this contrast, we examined the main effect of participants' decisions to give points to others at the expense of another person gaining more points (i.e., costly giving) relative to an implicit baseline.
395600 AN>NP A Neglected Topic in Neuroscience: Replicability of fMRI Results With Specific Reference to ANOREXIA NERVOSA SPM two-sample t-test contrasting AN > NP using the food > non-food 1st level t-contrasts
567 UCLA episodic memory jbrown81's temporary collection A map of BOLD activation during events that were successfully remembered vs those that were not
65260 Main effect of Costly Reward decisions (Costly Reward > baseline) The neural development of prosocial behavior from childhood to adolescence In this contrast, we examined the main effect of participants' decisions to keep points for themselves at the expense of another person gaining more points relative to an implicit baseline.
395601 food>non-food women with anorexia nervosa A Neglected Topic in Neuroscience: Replicability of fMRI Results With Specific Reference to ANOREXIA NERVOSA SPM one-sample t-test contrasting food > non-food 1st level t-contrasts in women with anorexia nervosa
65261 Main effect of Costly Giving > Costly Reward decisions (Costly Giving > Costly Reward) The neural development of prosocial behavior from childhood to adolescence In this contrast, we examined the main effect of participants' decisions to give a higher amount of points to another peer at the expense of keeping points for themselves.
395602 food>non-food non-patient women A Neglected Topic in Neuroscience: Replicability of fMRI Results With Specific Reference to ANOREXIA NERVOSA SPM one-sample t-test contrasting food > non-food 1st level t-contrasts in non-patient women
65262 Multiple regression with Age (Linear), controlling for Frequency of Giving, on Costly Giving versus Noncostly Reward decisions (Costly Giving > Noncostly Reward) The neural development of prosocial behavior from childhood to adolescence In this contrast, we regressed linear age against neural responses during participants' decisions to give to others (i.e., Costly Giving) relative to keeping points for themselves at no cost/benefit to another person (i.e., Noncostly Reward), controlling for the frequency (%) of Costly Giving behavior.
59078 Figure_3_rostral_module The heterogeneity of the left dorsal premotor cortex evidenced by multimodal connectivity-based parcellation and functional characterization The rostral left PMd module identified by multimodal CBP.
59079 Figure_3_central_module The heterogeneity of the left dorsal premotor cortex evidenced by multimodal connectivity-based parcellation and functional characterization The central left PMd module identified by multimodal CBP
59080 Figure_3_caudal_module The heterogeneity of the left dorsal premotor cortex evidenced by multimodal connectivity-based parcellation and functional characterization The caudal left PMd module identified by multimodal CBP
59081 Figure_3_ventral_subregion The heterogeneity of the left dorsal premotor cortex evidenced by multimodal connectivity-based parcellation and functional characterization The ventral (posterior) left PMd subregion identified by multimodal CBP
59082 Figure_3_rostro-ventral_subregion The heterogeneity of the left dorsal premotor cortex evidenced by multimodal connectivity-based parcellation and functional characterization The rostro-ventral left PMd subregion identified by multimodal CBP
59083 Figure_4_SpecificFC_rostral The heterogeneity of the left dorsal premotor cortex evidenced by multimodal connectivity-based parcellation and functional characterization Specific functional connectivity of the rostral left PMd modules
65263 Multiple regression with Age (Linear), controlling for Frequency of Giving, on Costly Giving versus Noncostly Giving decisions (Costly Giving > Noncostly Giving) The neural development of prosocial behavior from childhood to adolescence In this contrast, we regressed linear age against neural responses during participants' decisions to give to others at the expense of gaining rewards (i.e., Costly Giving) relative to decisions to give to others at no expense to one's own rewards (i.e., Noncostly Giving), controlling for the frequency (%) of Costly Giving behavior.
65641 pDMN_APOEe4_ROI Increased posterior default mode network activity and structural connectivity in young adult APOE-ε4 carriers: a multi-modal imaging investigation
59084 Figure_4_SpecificFC_central The heterogeneity of the left dorsal premotor cortex evidenced by multimodal connectivity-based parcellation and functional characterization Specific functional connectivity of the central left PMd modules
59085 Figure_4_SpecificFC_caudal The heterogeneity of the left dorsal premotor cortex evidenced by multimodal connectivity-based parcellation and functional characterization Specific functional connectivity of the caudal left PMd modules
59086 Figure_4_SpecificFC_ventral The heterogeneity of the left dorsal premotor cortex evidenced by multimodal connectivity-based parcellation and functional characterization Specific functional connectivity of the ventral (posterior) left PMd subregion
59087 Figure_4_SpecificFC_RostroVentral The heterogeneity of the left dorsal premotor cortex evidenced by multimodal connectivity-based parcellation and functional characterization Specific functional connectivity of the rostro-ventral left PMd subregion
59088 FigureS9_MACM_rostral The heterogeneity of the left dorsal premotor cortex evidenced by multimodal connectivity-based parcellation and functional characterization Task-based functional connectivity profile of the rostral left PMd module revealed by MACM
59089 FigureS9_MACM_central The heterogeneity of the left dorsal premotor cortex evidenced by multimodal connectivity-based parcellation and functional characterization Task-based functional connectivity profile of the central left PMd module revealed by MACM
59090 FigureS9_MACM_caudal The heterogeneity of the left dorsal premotor cortex evidenced by multimodal connectivity-based parcellation and functional characterization Task-based functional connectivity profile of the caudal left PMd module revealed by MACM
59091 FigureS9_MACM_ventral The heterogeneity of the left dorsal premotor cortex evidenced by multimodal connectivity-based parcellation and functional characterization Task-based functional connectivity profile of the (posterior) ventral left PMd module revealed by MACM
59092 FigureS9_MACM_RostroVentral The heterogeneity of the left dorsal premotor cortex evidenced by multimodal connectivity-based parcellation and functional characterization Task-based functional connectivity profile of the rostro-ventral left PMd module revealed by MACM
59093 FigureS10_RSFC_rostral The heterogeneity of the left dorsal premotor cortex evidenced by multimodal connectivity-based parcellation and functional characterization Unconstrained functional connectivity profile of the rostral left PMd module revealed by RSFC
59094 FigureS10_RSFC_central The heterogeneity of the left dorsal premotor cortex evidenced by multimodal connectivity-based parcellation and functional characterization Unconstrained functional connectivity profile of the central left PMd module revealed by RSFC
59095 FigureS10_RSFC_caudal The heterogeneity of the left dorsal premotor cortex evidenced by multimodal connectivity-based parcellation and functional characterization Unconstrained functional connectivity profile of the caudal left PMd module revealed by RSFC
59096 FigureS10_RSFC_ventral The heterogeneity of the left dorsal premotor cortex evidenced by multimodal connectivity-based parcellation and functional characterization Unconstrained functional connectivity profile of the ventral left PMd module revealed by RSFC
59097 FigureS10_RSFC_RostroVentral The heterogeneity of the left dorsal premotor cortex evidenced by multimodal connectivity-based parcellation and functional characterization Unconstrained functional connectivity profile of the rostro-ventral left PMd module revealed by RSFC
65264 Multiple regression with Age (Linear), controlling for Frequency of Giving, on Costly Giving versus Costly Reward decisions (Costly Giving > Costly Reward) The neural development of prosocial behavior from childhood to adolescence In this contrast, we regressed linear age against neural responses during participants' decisions to give to others (i.e., Costly Giving) at the expense of keeping points for themselves (i.e., Costly Reward), controlling for the frequency (%) of Costly Giving behavior.
65265 Multiple regression with Age (Quadratic), controlling for Age (Linear) and Frequency of Giving, on Costly Giving versus Noncostly Reward decisions (Costly Giving > Noncostly Reward) The neural development of prosocial behavior from childhood to adolescence In this contrast, we regressed quadratic age against neural responses during participants' decisions to give to others (i.e., Costly Giving) relative to keeping points for themselves at no cost/benefit to another person (i.e., Noncostly Reward), controlling for linear age and the frequency (%) of Costly Giving behavior.
65266 Multiple regression with Age (Quadratic), controlling for Age (Linear) and Frequency of Giving, on Costly Giving versus Noncostly Giving decisions (Costly Giving > Noncostly Giving) The neural development of prosocial behavior from childhood to adolescence In this contrast, we regressed quadratic age, controlling for linear age, against neural responses during participants' decisions to keep points for themselves (i.e., selfish behavior) relative to an implicit baseline. In this contrast, we regressed quadratic age against neural responses during participants' decisions to give to others (i.e., Costly Giving) relative to keeping points for themselves at no cost/benefit to another person (i.e., Noncostly Reward), controlling for linear age and the frequency (%) of Costly Giving behavior.
65267 Multiple regression with Age (Quadratic), controlling for Age (Linear) and Frequency of Giving, on Costly Giving versus Costly Reward decisions (Costly Giving > Costly Reward ) The neural development of prosocial behavior from childhood to adolescence In this contrast, we regressed quadratic age against neural responses during participants' decisions to give to others (i.e., Costly Giving) at the expense of keeping points for themselves (i.e., Costly Reward), controlling for linear age and the frequency (%) of Costly Giving behavior.
65268 Main effect of Noncostly Giving decisions (Noncostly Giving > baseline) The neural development of prosocial behavior from childhood to adolescence In this contrast, we examined the main effect of participants'decisions to give points to one of two peers relative to an implicit baseline.
370096 Cobre_fMRI_ML Psychosis_ML_maps_fMRI ML feature weight map from the Cobre dataset.
65269 Main effect of Noncostly Reward decisions (Noncostly Reward > baseline) The neural development of prosocial behavior from childhood to adolescence In this contrast, we examined the main effect of participants' decisions to keep points for themselves at no cost/benefit to another peer relative to an implicit baseline.
370097 Maastricht_fMRI_ML Psychosis_ML_maps_fMRI ML feature weight map from the Maastricht dataset.
795996 MDD_Comparison caitlinbaten's temporary collection
370098 Dublin_fMRI_ML Psychosis_ML_maps_fMRI ML feature weight map from the Dublin dataset.
568 UCLA episodic memory #2 jbrown81's temporary collection test
12020 Figure 1, third column ALE meta-analysis on facial judgments of trustworthiness and attractiveness All neuroimaging experiments labeled as attractiveness judgment
12021 Figure 1, first column ALE meta-analysis on facial judgments of trustworthiness and attractiveness All neuroimaging experiments labeled as trustworthiness or attractiveness judgment
12022 Figure 1, second column ALE meta-analysis on facial judgments of trustworthiness and attractiveness All neuroimaging experiments labeled as trustworthiness judgment
12026 Figure 3 - Anterior > posterior connectivity Is There "One" DLPFC in Cognitive Action Control? Evidence for Heterogeneity From Co-Activation-Based Parcellation Regions showing significantly stronger task-dependent and task-independent connectivity of the anterior versus posterior cluster
12027 Figure 4 - Posterior > anterior connectivity Is There "One" DLPFC in Cognitive Action Control? Evidence for Heterogeneity From Co-Activation-Based Parcellation Regions showing significantly stronger task-dependent and task-independent connectivity of the posterior versus anterior cluster
12028 Figure 2 - Anterior cluster Is There "One" DLPFC in Cognitive Action Control? Evidence for Heterogeneity From Co-Activation-Based Parcellation Connectivity-based parcellation (CBP) results -- Cluster #2 (anterior)
12029 Figure 1 - Posterior cluster Is There "One" DLPFC in Cognitive Action Control? Evidence for Heterogeneity From Co-Activation-Based Parcellation Connectivity-based parcellation (CBP) results -- Cluster #1 (posterior)
12030 Figure 1 Three key regions for supervisory attentional control: Evidence from neuroimaging meta-analyses ALE result for conflict minus that for no conflict
12031 Figure 2A Three key regions for supervisory attentional control: Evidence from neuroimaging meta-analyses ALE result for the Stroop task
12032 Figure 2B Three key regions for supervisory attentional control: Evidence from neuroimaging meta-analyses ALE result for Spatial Interference Tasks
12033 Figure 2C Three key regions for supervisory attentional control: Evidence from neuroimaging meta-analyses ALE result for the Stop-Signal Task
12034 Figure 2D Three key regions for supervisory attentional control: Evidence from neuroimaging meta-analyses ALE result for the Go/No-Go Task
12035 Figure 3 Three key regions for supervisory attentional control: Evidence from neuroimaging meta-analyses Conjunction across all four task types
12036 Figure 4 Three key regions for supervisory attentional control: Evidence from neuroimaging meta-analyses Conjunction across Stroop, Spatial Interference and Stop-Signal Tasks
12080 All Pain Studies Coordinate-based meta-analysis of experimentally induced and chronic persistent neuropathic pain ALE result for all pain studies
12081 Experimental Pain Studies Coordinate-based meta-analysis of experimentally induced and chronic persistent neuropathic pain ALE result for all experimentally induced pain studies
12082 Experimental - Neuropathic Coordinate-based meta-analysis of experimentally induced and chronic persistent neuropathic pain ALE results of all experimentally induced pain studies, minus that of all neuropathic pain studies. Thresholded at uncorrected p < 0.05.
12083 Neuropathic ∪ Experimental Coordinate-based meta-analysis of experimentally induced and chronic persistent neuropathic pain Conjunction of ALEs for experimentally induced and neuropathic pain. Thresholded at uncorrected p < 0.05.
12084 All Neuropathic Studies Coordinate-based meta-analysis of experimentally induced and chronic persistent neuropathic pain ALE result for all neuropathic pain studies
12085 All Non-thermal Pain Studies Coordinate-based meta-analysis of experimentally induced and chronic persistent neuropathic pain ALE result for all non-thermally induced pain studies
12086 Non-thermal - Thermal Coordinate-based meta-analysis of experimentally induced and chronic persistent neuropathic pain ALE for non-thermally induced pain studies, minus that for thermally induced pain studies. Thresholded at uncorrected p < 0.05.
12087 Thermal ∪ Non-thermal Coordinate-based meta-analysis of experimentally induced and chronic persistent neuropathic pain Conjunction of ALEs for all thermally and non-thermally induced pain studies. Thresholded at uncorrected p < 0.05.
12088 All Thermal Studies Coordinate-based meta-analysis of experimentally induced and chronic persistent neuropathic pain ALE result for all thermally induced pain studies.
12096 aMCC Seed The role of anterior midcingulate cortex in cognitive motor control The seed region was taken from a recent fMRI study which examined neural effects of self-initiated movements by letting subjects choose between left or right finger movements to be initiated at an freely chosen point in time [Hoffstaedter et al., 2013]
12097 MACM aMCC The role of anterior midcingulate cortex in cognitive motor control The VOI search in the BrainMap database revealed 656 experiments containing activation foci within the aMCC. The ALE maps reflecting the convergence of co-activations with the aMCC were family wise error (FWE) corrected at a cluster level threshold of p < 0.05 (cluster-forming threshold: p < 0.001 at voxel level; cluster extend threshold k = 211), and converted to Z-scores.
12098 MACM aMCC cognition The role of anterior midcingulate cortex in cognitive motor control 277 experiments in BrainMap featuring activation in the aMCC were attributed to the behavioral domain ‘cognition’.
12099 MACM aMCC action The role of anterior midcingulate cortex in cognitive motor control 222 experiments featuring activation in the aMCC were attributed to the behavioral domain ‘action’.
12100 RS aMCC The role of anterior midcingulate cortex in cognitive motor control The aMCC was used as seed VOI in the resting-state analysis in 100 subjects. Pearson correlation coefficients were computed between the representative time series of the VOI and those of all other grey matter voxels in the brain. Correlation coefficients were Fisher's Z transformed and tested for consistency in an ANOVA. The results of this random-effects analysis were family wise error (FWE) corrected at a threshold of p < 0.05.
12101 Conjunction RS and MACM aMCC The role of anterior midcingulate cortex in cognitive motor control Conjunction RS and MACM aMCC
18860 Reward prediction error Reinforcement learning models and their neural correlates: An activation likelihood estimation meta-analysis Reward prediction error (main effect)
18861 Conjunction (6 studies) Reinforcement learning models and their neural correlates: An activation likelihood estimation meta-analysis Conjunction of all sub-contrasts (aside from smoothing)
18862 Expected Value Reinforcement learning models and their neural correlates: An activation likelihood estimation meta-analysis Expected Value contrast.
18902 L1 Neurofunctional topography of the human hippocampus Left hippocampus segment (L1)
18903 L2 Neurofunctional topography of the human hippocampus Left hippocampus segment (L2)
18904 L3 Neurofunctional topography of the human hippocampus Left hippocampus segment (L3)
18905 R1 Neurofunctional topography of the human hippocampus Right hippocampus segment (R1)
18906 R2 Neurofunctional topography of the human hippocampus Right hippocampus segment (R2)
18907 R3 Neurofunctional topography of the human hippocampus Right hippocampus segment (R3)
18908 R4 Neurofunctional topography of the human hippocampus Right hippocampus segment (R4)
18909 R5 Neurofunctional topography of the human hippocampus Right hippocampus segment (R5)
43928 Pearson correlation: [11C]carfentanil BPnd anterior insula vs. haemodynamic responses to vicarious pain Dissociable Roles of Cerebral μ-Opioid and Type 2 Dopamine Receptors in Vicarious Pain: A Combined PET–fMRI Study
370099 Mean_fMRI_ML Psychosis_ML_maps_fMRI Mean ML fMRI cortical feature weight map (averaged across Maastricht, Dublin and Cobre datasets).
869830 Raters>NonRaters wjpmitchell3's temporary collection Subjects were asked to watch two 22m17s stimuli and continuously rate their certainty of a specific social outcome, or watch as if they were rating that same specific social outcome. Contrasts were conducted to examine the actual effect of rating upon neural activity when the underlying goal is kept constant.