Images tagged with "hippocampus"

Found 21 images.

ID Name Collection(s) Description
682612 Human Probabilistic Tractography Results Subiculum - BNST Structural Connectivity in Humans and Macaques
58126 Statistical maps figure 3. Abnormalities in gray matter volume in patients with borderline personality disorder and their relation to lifetime depression: A VBM study Clusters of increased volume on VBM within the bilateral hippocampus/amygdala mask. BPD n=76, healthy subjects n= 76.
43845 Reward phase modulation by later decision bias Preference by Association: How Memory Mechanisms in the Hippocampus Bias Decisions BOLD correlates of activity during the reward phase correlated with later value generalization / decision bias.
42709 Generalization behavioral benefit correlation with ventral striatum - whole-brain connectivity Generalization of value in reinforcement learning by humans Correlation of right ventral striatum ROI connectivity (PPI trial main effect) and individual differences in model fit (likelihood) due to generalization.
43848 Episodic memory encoding Episodic Memory Encoding Interferes with Reward Learning and Decreases Striatal Prediction Errors BOLD correlates of successful vs. unsuccessful memory encoding, coding across both incidental stimuli, filtering out individually-derived low-confidence responses.
43849 Reward prediction error modulation by memory encoding Episodic Memory Encoding Interferes with Reward Learning and Decreases Striatal Prediction Errors BOLD correlates of the interaction between reward prediction error and memory encoding success. RPE is signed, from -1 to 1; memory encoding success is coded from -2 to 2, representing 24-hour-later memory for both incidental stimuli.
43850 Psychophysiological interaction (PPI) of hippocampus and memory encoding success during reward learning Episodic Memory Encoding Interferes with Reward Learning and Decreases Striatal Prediction Errors PPI connectivity analysis: memory success-related modulation of connectivity between the left hippocampus and whole-brain activity.
12154 Figure 1A - MCI>HC during memory encoding Specific and disease stage-dependent episodic memory-related brain activation patterns in Alzheimer’s disease: a coordinate-based meta-analysis Increased right hippocampal activation in MCI patients compared to age-matched control subjects during memory encoding of visual or verbal stimuli.
12155 Figure 1B - MCI<HC during imagery retrieval Specific and disease stage-dependent episodic memory-related brain activation patterns in Alzheimer’s disease: a coordinate-based meta-analysis Decreased left hippocampal activation in MCI patients compared to age-matched control subjects during retrieval of previously learned image stimuli.
12156 Figure 1C - AD<HC during retrieval Specific and disease stage-dependent episodic memory-related brain activation patterns in Alzheimer’s disease: a coordinate-based meta-analysis Decreased right hippocampal activation in AD patients compared to age-matched control subjects during retrieval of visual or verbal stimuli.
12157 Figure 2 - MCI<HC during verbal retrieval Specific and disease stage-dependent episodic memory-related brain activation patterns in Alzheimer’s disease: a coordinate-based meta-analysis Decreased right insula and inferior frontal gyrus activation in MCI patients compared to age-matched control subjects during verbal episodic-memory retrieval tasks.
12158 Figure 3 - AD>HC during visual retrieval Specific and disease stage-dependent episodic memory-related brain activation patterns in Alzheimer’s disease: a coordinate-based meta-analysis Stronger, bilateral (right>left) precuneus activation in AD patients compared to age-matched control subjects during image encoding.
18902 L1 Neurofunctional topography of the human hippocampus Left hippocampus segment (L1)
18903 L2 Neurofunctional topography of the human hippocampus Left hippocampus segment (L2)
18904 L3 Neurofunctional topography of the human hippocampus Left hippocampus segment (L3)
18905 R1 Neurofunctional topography of the human hippocampus Right hippocampus segment (R1)
18906 R2 Neurofunctional topography of the human hippocampus Right hippocampus segment (R2)
18907 R3 Neurofunctional topography of the human hippocampus Right hippocampus segment (R3)
18908 R4 Neurofunctional topography of the human hippocampus Right hippocampus segment (R4)
18909 R5 Neurofunctional topography of the human hippocampus Right hippocampus segment (R5)
682610 Macaque Probabilistic Tractography Results Subiculum - BNST Structural Connectivity in Humans and Macaques