Images tagged with "speech"

Found 18 images.

ID Name Collection(s) Description
790819 con Group activation maps for an fMRI language localizer (listening to speech vs reversed speech)
790853 Left frontal ROI Group activation maps for an fMRI language localizer (listening to speech vs reversed speech) ROI in the left inferior frontal gyrus derived from the group activation map thresholded at p(FWE)<.05, extent threshold k=5 voxels.
790833 spmT Group activation maps for an fMRI language localizer (listening to speech vs reversed speech)
790854 Left temporal ROI Group activation maps for an fMRI language localizer (listening to speech vs reversed speech) This ROI (in the left superior and middle temporal gyri, extending to angular and supramarginal gyri, temporal pole, and planum temporale) was derived from the group activation map thresholded at p(FWE)<.05, extent threshold k=5 voxels.
126737 right vMGB Modulation of tonotopic ventral medial geniculate body is behaviorally relevant for speech recognition This map is derived from the tonotopic experiment and constitutes the right ventral tonotopic part of the medial geniculate body, which we interpret as ventral MGB.
64308 Figure 3 The neural basis of free language choice in bilingual speakers: Disentangling language choice and language execution Multivariate Pattern Analysis: Brain regions encoding the chosen language during the language choice and maintenance phase. Chance level (50%) subtracted from the accuracy map.
113788 Speech vs. Speaker correlated with percent correct speech score Modulation of tonotopic ventral medial geniculate body is behaviorally relevant for speech recognition This is the unthresholded parameter estimates map for the correlation of speech vs. speaker contrast with the proportion of correct hits in the speaker task. These data correspond to Figure 5 B from the manuscript.
64309 Figure 4 The neural basis of free language choice in bilingual speakers: Disentangling language choice and language execution Multivariate Pattern Analysis: Brain regions encoding the chosen language during the language execution phase. Chance level (50%) subtracted from the accuracy map.
113789 Speech vs. Speaker Modulation of tonotopic ventral medial geniculate body is behaviorally relevant for speech recognition These are the parameter estimates for the random effects analysis (across subjects) with the main effect of interest: Speech vs. Speaker.
64145 Figure 2a The neural basis of free language choice in bilingual speakers: Disentangling language choice and language execution Univariate analysis: Activation differences between languages (German and English) during language execution. Regions that are more activated for English during execution are shown are positive in this image.
790835 beta Group activation maps for an fMRI language localizer (listening to speech vs reversed speech)
790855 Right temporal ROI Group activation maps for an fMRI language localizer (listening to speech vs reversed speech) This ROI (in the right superior and middle temporal gyri, extending to supramarginal gyrus, temporal pole, planum temporale, and Heschl’s gyrus) was derived from the group activation map thresholded at p(FWE)<.05, extent threshold k=5 voxels.
113823 left vMGB Modulation of tonotopic ventral medial geniculate body is behaviorally relevant for speech recognition This map is derived from the tonotopic experiment and constitutes the ventral tonotopic part of the medial geniculate body, which we interpret as ventral MGB.
64146 Figure 2b The neural basis of free language choice in bilingual speakers: Disentangling language choice and language execution Univariate analysis: Activation differences between languages (German and English) during language execution. Regions that are more activated for German during execution are shown are positive in this image.
790847 p (uncorrected) map Group activation maps for an fMRI language localizer (listening to speech vs reversed speech) A map of uncorrected voxel-wise p-values
114221 Tonotopic map of left MGB Modulation of tonotopic ventral medial geniculate body is behaviorally relevant for speech recognition The tonotopic map for the left MGB as calculated in
790848 z map Group activation maps for an fMRI language localizer (listening to speech vs reversed speech)
790851 FWE-corrected p map Group activation maps for an fMRI language localizer (listening to speech vs reversed speech)