Description: For the face-sensitive-ROI selection, we performed a standard two-stage univariate GLM analysis for the “Observe” rounds as an orthogonal functional localizer (Poldrack, 2007). An individual-level GLM estimated brain activation for faces regardless of their intensities contrasted to the baseline (e.g., Bishop, Aguirre, Nunez-Elizalde, & Toker, 2015; Thielscher & UNCERTAINTY OF EMOTION PERCEPTION IN ADOLESCENTS 8Pessoa, 2007), and then group-level random effects were estimated (clusters-corrected Z>2.3, p=0.05; one-tailed; FLAME1+2; Table S1). Finally, we selected voxels that fell within the previously defined functional parcels ( for face-sensitive-voxels (Julian, Fedorenko, Webster, & Kanwisher, 2012). No clear STS cluster activation was observed and this may be due to our current approach (contrasted with baseline instead of face minus other categorical stimuli such as places). However, it does not suggest that the STS is not a face-selective region; hence our final ROI mask included the FFA and OFA (k=2104 voxels; Fig1D).
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