Images tagged with "pain"

Found 13 images.

ID Name Collection(s) Description
404952 posterior insula short gyrus SooAhnLee's temporary collection
784351 Whole-brain ANOVA: Group x Pain interaction Hate Speech Effects on Empathy Thresholded with cluster-based correction p> .05 using permutations (n=1000) in MRM toolbox (10.1016/j.neuroimage.2016.02.053).
29350 Interaction [Painful images > Painless images Normal state] > [Painful images > Painless images Hypnosis] Hypnotic analgesia reduces brain responses to pain seen in others
150686 Pain caroline's temporary collection
29354 PPI (seed right amygdala) Main effect Hypnotic analgesia > Normal state Hypnotic analgesia reduces brain responses to pain seen in others
110868 NSF_EAPSI_Cope7 sra27's temporary collection
29355 PPI (seed left anterior insula) Main effect Normal state > Hypnotic analgesia Hypnotic analgesia reduces brain responses to pain seen in others
784353 Pain_vs_No-Pain Hate Speech Effects on Empathy Thresholded with cluster-based correction FWE p > 0.05.
947 PAIN Dental pain Pain
577 nociception mike214's temporary collection Difference between Phase 1 (painful electric stimulus) and Phase 2 (same electric stimulus, but after analgesic block)
944 PAIN mike214's temporary collection Group brain activity of a 1ms electrical stimulus on a mandibular canine with an individual pain intensity of 5 on an 11-point NRS.
945 PAIN Articain mike214's temporary collection Group brain activity of a 1ms electrical stimulus on a mandibular canine with an individual pain intensity of 5 on an 11-point NRS.
958 PAIN stim el mike214's temporary collection Painful stimulation on a mandibular canine with an electrical stimulus with an intensity of 5 on an NRS