Contributed by johannes.algermissen on Sept. 23, 2021
Description: Go actions (irrespective of left vs. right) minus Go actions at the time people receive an outcome. This is GLM2. The GLM contains the following 13 regressors: 1-8) 8 regressors crossing the performed action (Go/ NoGo) with the obtained outcome (reward/ no reward = neutral/ no punishment = neutral/ punishment). At the time of outcomes. 9) Left hand response. At the time of responses. 10) Right hand response. At the time of responses. 11) Incorrect response. At the time of responses. 12) Outcome Onset (any outcome). At the time of outcomes. 13) Invalid outcomes (non-instructed key pressed, returning error message). At the time of outcomes. This contrast is based on the first 8 regressors, taking all 4 Go regressors minus all 4 NoGo regressors (note that all regressors at the times of outcomes). Motivational Go/NoGo task (Swart et al., 2017; 2018; van Nuland et al., 2020).
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