Images tagged with "parcellation"

Found 43 images.

ID Name Collection(s) Description
395091 Shen k=268 parcellation Naturalistic Data Analysis Course Images Nifti image of the Shen et al., 2013 k=268 whole-brain parcellation. Parcellation was created applying groupwise graph-theory-based parcellation to resting state data.
705880 Custom 429-region brain parcellation used for structural connectivity analysis The Optimal Target and Connectivity for Structural connectivity analyses were performed using a custom, 429-region brain parcellation which combined four brain atlases, together covering cortical and subcortical grey matter outside the thalamus. These atlases were: 1. Parcel labels 1:358 = the HCPMMP1/Glasser atlas of the cortex (edited to remove "lh.???" and "rh.???" parcels). This is a volumetric version of the original surface-based atlas. For further details, refer to: 2. Parcel labels 357:396 = the 3T Scale IV Melbourne Subcortex Atlas (edited to remove parcels within the thalamus). This volumetric atlas can be downloaded from here: 3. Parcel labels 397:420 = segmentation of cerebellar lobules performed using CERES/Volbrain software. This volumetric segmentation can be performed here: 4. Parcel labels 421:429 = the Harvard Ascending Arousal Atlas of brainstem nuclei. This volumetric atlas can be downloaded from here: Note that all connectivity analyses were performed in each subject's native diffusion MRI space, following nonlinear warping of atlas labels from template space to subject native brain space. The parcellation uploaded here is provided in Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) ICBM 152 Nonlinear 6th-generation asymmetric template space ( and saved at a voxel resolution of 1mm x 1mm x 1mm.
17 Right Ventral Anterior Insula Coherence Decoding the Role of the Insula in Human Cognition: Functional Parcellation and Large-Scale Reverse Inference Percentage of sample expressing the right ventral anterior insula cluster
18 Right Dorsal Anterior Insula Coherence Decoding the Role of the Insula in Human Cognition: Functional Parcellation and Large-Scale Reverse Inference Percentage of sample expressing the right dorsal anterior insula cluster
19 Right Posterior Insula Coherence Decoding the Role of the Insula in Human Cognition: Functional Parcellation and Large-Scale Reverse Inference Percentage of sample expressing the right posterior insula cluster
12007 Figure 3 - Whole Left Amygdala An investigation of the structural, connectional, and functional subspecialization in the human amygdala Connectivity-based parcellation (CBP) of the human amygdala. Union of all three clusters for the left hemisphere.
12008 Figure 3 - Whole Right Amygdala An investigation of the structural, connectional, and functional subspecialization in the human amygdala Connectivity-based parcellation (CBP) of the human amygdala. Union of all three clusters for the right hemisphere.
12009 Figure 3 - Right Amygdala (cluster #1) An investigation of the structural, connectional, and functional subspecialization in the human amygdala Connectivity-based parcellation (CBP) of the right human amygdala. Cluster #1 (red) - centromedial nuclei group
12010 Figure 3 - Left Amygdala (cluster #1) An investigation of the structural, connectional, and functional subspecialization in the human amygdala Connectivity-based parcellation (CBP) of the left human amygdala. Cluster #1 (red) - centromedial nuclei group
12011 Figure 3 - Left Amygdala (cluster #2) An investigation of the structural, connectional, and functional subspecialization in the human amygdala Connectivity-based parcellation (CBP) of the left human amygdala. Cluster #2 (green) - superficial nuclei group
12012 Figure 3 - Left Amygdala (cluster #3) An investigation of the structural, connectional, and functional subspecialization in the human amygdala Connectivity-based parcellation (CBP) of the left human amygdala. Cluster #3 (blue) - laterobasal nuclei group
12013 Figure 3 - Right Amygdala (cluster #2) An investigation of the structural, connectional, and functional subspecialization in the human amygdala Connectivity-based parcellation (CBP) of the right human amygdala. Cluster #2 (green) - superficial nuclei group
12014 Figure 3 - Right Amygdala (cluster #3) An investigation of the structural, connectional, and functional subspecialization in the human amygdala Connectivity-based parcellation (CBP) of the right human amygdala. Cluster #3 (blue) - laterobasal nuclei group
18863 MACM-CBP_rostral_cluster The Right Dorsal Premotor Mosaic: Organization, Functions, and Connectivity MACM-CBP_rostral_cluster. Figure 2A.
18864 MACM_CBP_central_cluster The Right Dorsal Premotor Mosaic: Organization, Functions, and Connectivity MACM-CBP_central_cluster. Figure 2A.
18865 MACM_CBP_caudal_cluster The Right Dorsal Premotor Mosaic: Organization, Functions, and Connectivity MACM-CBP_caudal_cluster. Figure 2A.
18866 MACM-CBP_ventral_cluster The Right Dorsal Premotor Mosaic: Organization, Functions, and Connectivity MACM-CBP_ventral_cluster. Figure 2A.
18867 MACM-CBP_dorsal_cluster The Right Dorsal Premotor Mosaic: Organization, Functions, and Connectivity MACM-CBP_dorsal_cluster. Figure 2A.
18868 PDT-CBP_rostral_cluster The Right Dorsal Premotor Mosaic: Organization, Functions, and Connectivity PDT-CBP_rostral_cluster. Figure 2B.
18869 PDT-CBP_central_cluster The Right Dorsal Premotor Mosaic: Organization, Functions, and Connectivity PDT-CBP_central_cluster. Figure 2B.
18870 PDT-CBP_caudal_cluster The Right Dorsal Premotor Mosaic: Organization, Functions, and Connectivity PDT-CBP_caudal_cluster. Figure 2B.
18871 PDT-CBP_ventral_cluster The Right Dorsal Premotor Mosaic: Organization, Functions, and Connectivity PDT-CBP_ventral_cluster. Figure 2B.
18872 PDT-CBP_dorsal_cluster The Right Dorsal Premotor Mosaic: Organization, Functions, and Connectivity PDT-CBP_dorsal_cluster. Figure 2B.
18873 RSFC-CBP_rostral_cluster The Right Dorsal Premotor Mosaic: Organization, Functions, and Connectivity RSFC-CBP_rostral_cluster. Figure 2C.
18874 RSFC-CBP_central_cluster The Right Dorsal Premotor Mosaic: Organization, Functions, and Connectivity RSFC-CBP_central_cluster. Figure 2C.
18875 RSFC-CBP_caudal_cluster The Right Dorsal Premotor Mosaic: Organization, Functions, and Connectivity RSFC-CBP_caudal_cluster. Figure 2C.
18876 RSFC-CBP_ventral_cluster The Right Dorsal Premotor Mosaic: Organization, Functions, and Connectivity RSFC-CBP_ventral_cluster. Figure 2C.
18877 RSFC-CBP_dorsal_cluster The Right Dorsal Premotor Mosaic: Organization, Functions, and Connectivity RSFC-CBP_dorsal_cluster. Figure 2C.
18878 FC_MACM_specific_rostral The Right Dorsal Premotor Mosaic: Organization, Functions, and Connectivity Task functional connectivity rostral cluster. Figure 3A
18879 FC_MACM_specific_central The Right Dorsal Premotor Mosaic: Organization, Functions, and Connectivity Task functional connectivity central cluster. Figure 3A
18880 FC_MACM_specific_caudal The Right Dorsal Premotor Mosaic: Organization, Functions, and Connectivity Task functional connectivity caudal cluster. Figure 3A
18881 FC_MACM_specific_ventral The Right Dorsal Premotor Mosaic: Organization, Functions, and Connectivity Task functional connectivity ventral cluster. Figure 3A
18882 FC_MACM_specific_dorsal The Right Dorsal Premotor Mosaic: Organization, Functions, and Connectivity Task functional connectivity dorsal cluster. Figure 3A
18883 FC_RSFC_specific_rostral The Right Dorsal Premotor Mosaic: Organization, Functions, and Connectivity Resting state functional connectivity rostral cluster. Figure 3B
18884 FC_RSFC_specific_central The Right Dorsal Premotor Mosaic: Organization, Functions, and Connectivity Resting state functional connectivity central cluster. Figure 3B
18885 FC_RSFC_specific_caudal The Right Dorsal Premotor Mosaic: Organization, Functions, and Connectivity Resting state functional connectivity caudal cluster. Figure 3B
18886 FC_RSFC_specific_ventral The Right Dorsal Premotor Mosaic: Organization, Functions, and Connectivity Resting state functional connectivity ventral cluster. Figure 3B
18887 FC_RSFC_specific_dorsal The Right Dorsal Premotor Mosaic: Organization, Functions, and Connectivity Resting state functional connectivity dorsal cluster. Figure 3B
18888 FC_MACMandRSFC_specific_rostral The Right Dorsal Premotor Mosaic: Organization, Functions, and Connectivity Specific functional connectivity pattern (common to both task and resting state) of rostral cluster. Figure 3C.
18889 FC_MACMandRSFC_specific_central The Right Dorsal Premotor Mosaic: Organization, Functions, and Connectivity Specific functional connectivity pattern (common to both task and resting state) of central cluster. Figure 3C.
18890 FC_MACMandRSFC_specific_caudal The Right Dorsal Premotor Mosaic: Organization, Functions, and Connectivity Specific functional connectivity pattern (common to both task and resting state) of caudal cluster. Figure 3C.
18891 FC_MACMandRSFC_specific_ventral The Right Dorsal Premotor Mosaic: Organization, Functions, and Connectivity Specific functional connectivity pattern (common to both task and resting state) of ventral cluster. Figure 3C.
18892 FC_MACMandRSFC_specific_dorsal The Right Dorsal Premotor Mosaic: Organization, Functions, and Connectivity Specific functional connectivity pattern (common to both task and resting state) of dorsal cluster. Figure 3C.